What I LOVE About Being Off Social Media
I have been sitting on my hands, waiting not-so-patiently to tell you all the GOOD THINGS about this social media break!
Have you ever had that feeling where you are bubbling up with goodness to share that it's, like, over spilling everywhere?
That's me, right now.
Also, before diving in, I wanna say a HUGE thank you to those of you who have hopped on the email train and chatted with me about social media, your experiences, and your tips. I sincerely LOVED talking with you and am so grateful we can stay connected.
Okay here we go.
Here’s the reasons (to date) why I love it:
I HAVE SO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS. Like whoa. I thought I was productive, I thought I didn’t use my phone that much (I have a 1.5 hour limit daily reminder). BUT C’MON. I just got myself 1.5 hours back in the day (probs more) and that is a BUTTLOAD of time. I feel like I can conquer the world with that time. I feel like I can actually relax in that time. All those things I “didn’t have time for” suddenly are possible. It’s great. Like, really, really great.
2. I FEEL BETTER. Like, wayyyyy better. I’m talking emotionally. I’m happier. I’m not comparing myself to anyone else (as much) anymore. That girl from high school, so-and-so’s cousin, that biz mogul I look up to, that woman that I really envy but am getting to know better. Yeah--keep comparison out of the picture please and thanks. It’s SO NICE. I don’t have this running trigger, multiple times a day, that subconsciously sends me into this comparison trap. I’m not seeing people work harder, have more fun, be thinner, feel happier, on their highlight reels. I’m busy living my highlight REAL. I can’t tell you how good this is for my mental health, my mood, and how I feel about myself. Real talk: Social media makes me feel like I’m not enough. And with that outta the picture, I’ve had so many more moments of contentedness, satisfaction, and fullness. That alone is worth it for me, friend.
3. I STILL HAVE FRIENDS. ‘Cause let me get real honest here. Remember what I said in the last email? I was afraid of losing contact with my besties when I deleted the apps. “Will they still message me? Will I still get invited places? Will they actually reach out and text or call when something big happens for them?” And yes, yep, and uh-huh! I don’t know what I was so afraid of. I actually feel kinda silly, but mostly grateful, that I was scared of that in the first place and that my besties are truly there in my life. Without social media, there's REAL connection happening. (Like those of you who are part of my email fam! I LOVE chatting with you!)
4. MY SLEEP, MY WORK, MY MARRIAGE HAVE IMPROVED. I’m not distracted, not spending unfocused time before bed or first thing when I wake up, and I’m way more present with Jake. To actually wake up and look out the window, or at my sleeping hubs, or cuddle my puppers, Luna? SO good. To sit down to a task (like this email to you!) and just write from my heart, no distractions? SO good. (And yes, even book work without social media!) To get a good night's rest because I’m not disturbing my sleep with screens? PRICELESS. And -- I’m not proud to say this, but kissing Jake hello when he walked in the door after work, or goodnight, or in the morning, was something I did after I finished scrolling. And now, it’s the first thing I do--and I like it better that way. (I think he does, too!)
5. MY ANXIETY HAS GONE WAY DOWN. Social media made me feel like everything was on a timer. That I had to do ALL THE THINGS, right NOW. I had to post, reply, email, purchase, like, double tap, comment, DM...UGH. Seriously, everything can wait. Yeah, I mean that. Everything can wait. I can wait 24-48 hours before doing any of those things above. There’s no “magic hour” (like the algorithm) in my inbox. There’s no pressure when I’m just living my life outside of the screens. I’m not “cramming” everything in, it all just fits. I was constantly searching for 5 or 10 minutes here or there to go on my phone and now that I don’t have a reason to, it’s like this permanent cushion of time has opened up and let me breathe. And made me realize, “Whoa. Everything can wait.” That has notched my anxiety down quite a bit. (Thank you Jesus.)
Okay. So that’s all I got for ya so far. And to be honest, I think there's more hidden gems on this social media break, so I'm keeping it going.
These past months without social media have been refreshing and eye-opening. Thanks for letting me share the journey with you, friend! I hope it’s brought up some new thoughts for you, too.
Please, tell me:
Are you thinking about a social media break? Let’s chat about it!
(I know it can be scary to take the leap to connect, but I promise I don't bite! I'm here just for youuuu!)